Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Simple Story...

A couple of months ago, I had the pleasure of volunteering for a classical piano recital put on by doctors around the area. My piano teacher asked me to help, and so I went, not expecting to enjoy myself... They had free pizza for the volunteers, and after finishing a few odd jobs, I took a seat. Facing me were 5 other teenagers, ranging in height, age and gender. They were conversing quite loudly, and I couldn't help but listen to what they were saying. They all looked like ordinary teenagers, extremely self-conscious, etc. except for one sitting at the far end of the table. He was definitely what the world would call "a geek." A pair of glasses sat atop a very sharp nose. His eyes hid behind a pair of very bushy eyebrows... you get the picture.

He was a straight A student, as we quickly found out. Another guy, a very proud, arrogant junior, began to ask him all these questions, about his school work, extra credit work... All those questions posed in a kind way, but meant to secretly make fun. Anyways, I am sad to say that I hid the fact that I am *almost* a straight A student and that I almost always do extra credit...

It's interesting how we can hide ourselves from strangers, not telling lies about ourselves but hiding our true identities. We allow people to make their own assumptions about us without telling them whether they are right or not. Looking back at that night, I reminded myself of the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus' time. In one word, it reminded me of hypocrisy.

Anyways, later on that night, once we were done having our pizza and preparing for the performance, I was given a choice of which door I would like to stand by. Since we were ushers, we would be moving about quite a bit and personally it didn't matter to me. So I picked a door, walked through the doorway quickly and smiled weakly. I had gotten the door with "Mr. Geek." He smiled as well, pushed the glasses up onto his nose once more and said quietly, "I noticed the book in your bag as you walked by. You like Shakespeare?" I shrugged, not sure what to say, trying to inch my way to my starting position, waiting for someone to free me from the conversation. After I had walked several feet, I heard him sigh. "I don't really expect anyone to come through this door," he said quietly to the wall. I stopped, shook my head at my stupidity and walked back down the stairs.

I looked at him in the eyes and said, "Look. No matter how much they tease you and pick on you, ignore them. I know I didn't say anything earlier, but I just want you to know that I was very impressed at how well you took what those guys were saying. It takes a really strong person to hold his tongue like you did." He looked at me strangely. I think I shocked him a little.. okay, a lot. But I was doing what Jesus would have done at that moment...

He looked at me and smiled, saying... "So, DO you like Shakespeare?"

I find it interesting that throughout our lives, we are placed with simple tests of our faith... Whether it consists of sharing the gospel or just being different, they always pop up at the strangest moments. When I went to volunteer that night, I didn't know I would have an impact on anyone. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I have no idea why God placed "Mr. Geek" in my path, but He did. I'll never know the real reason, but I hope that I planted a seed.


Alice said...

That was a beautiful post, Cheyenne. You write so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

In every post you encourage me to live out my faith, Cheyenne. Thanks for being real and honest. :-)
